INR 26500 INR 28500

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This professional weather stations features a jumbo bright clear display and an easy-to-install 5-in-1 integrated sesnor array (temperature, humdiity, rainfall, wind speed, wind direction), with memory of over 5000 groups of data and PC inteface. Suitable both for home and commercial applications. Features: 1. Pressure (REL and ABS) display 2. Pressure units of measure 3. Feels like and dew point display 4. Temperature units (°F or °C) 5. Wind speed average display 6. Wind speed average HI alarm icon 7. Feels like and dew point HI/Lo alarm icon 8. Wind gust display 9. Wind speed units of measure 10. Wind gust HI alarm icon 11. Wind direction 12. Signal search icon 13. Outdoor temperature HI/LO alarm icon 14. Outdoor temperature display 15. Sensor Low power indicator 16. Humidity units of measure (%) 17. Outdoor humidity display 18. Outdoor humidity HI/LO alarm icon 19. Rainfall display (1h, 24h, week, month, total) 20. Rainfall units of measure(mm and inch) 21. Indoor temperature and humidity HI/LO alarm icon 22. Indoor temperature and humidity display 23. Time alarm icon 24. Time and date 25. Memory 26. Min/Max reset for 24h icon and Moon phase indicator 27. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall and pressure variation in past 24h or 72h 28. Time format of history graph (24h or 72h) 29. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall and pressure history display icon 30. Weather tendency indicator Specification: ❖ Outdoor temperature range : -40℃ to + 60℃ ❖ Indoor temperature range : 0℃ to + 60℃ ❖ Temperature accuracy : ±1ºC ❖ Humidity range : 10% to 99% (1% resolution) ❖ Humidity accuracy : ±5% ❖ Barometric pressure range : 300 to 1100hpa ❖ Barometric Accuracy : ±3hpa ❖ Rain volume : 0 - 9999mm 1) Resolution : 0.3mm (if rain volume < 1000mm) 2) 1mm (if rain volume > 1000mm) ❖ Rain accuracy : < 15 mm: +/- 1 mm, 15 mm to 9999 mm: +/- 7% ❖ Wind speed accuracy : 2 m/s ~ 10 m/s (+/- 3 m/s), 10 m/s ~ 56 m/s (+/- 10%) ❖ Wind direction accuracy : 8 points ❖ Wind speed range : 0~50m/s ❖ Transmission interval : 16s ❖ Transmission frequency : 433MHZ ❖ Transmission range : 100m in open area ❖ Maximum transmission power : 0.5mW Power consumption: Power consumption: ❖ Receiver: 3 x AAA alkaline batteries or 5V/500mA power adaptor ❖ Transmitter: 3 x AA alkaline batteries ❖ Power Adaptor: 5V/1A or 5.9V/0.5A Battery life: Minimum 12 months for transmitter


°±56401.72hABSREL16s1mm60℃home1 mm5.9Vdateinchdata5V/1A15 mm0.5mWSensor433MHZmemory1000mmMin/Max9999 mm1100hpameasurehumdiitypast 24hReceiverFeatures24h icon8 pointsopen areaTime formatTransmitterPC intefaceRain volume5000 groupsPC INTERFACEpoint displayRain accuracy1% resolutionhistory graphHumidity rangeHumidity unitsPressure unitsRainfall unitsTime alarm icon❖ Power AdaptorRainfall displaypressure historyWind speed rangeWind speed unitsHI/Lo alarm iconTemperature units0.5A Battery lifeHumidity accuracyMinimum 12 monthsWind gust displayPower consumptionTransmission rangepressure variationSignal search iconWind speed accuracyLow power indicatorBarometric AccuracyTemperature accuracyMoon phase indicatorTransmission interval5V/500mA power adaptorTransmission frequencycommercial applicationsWind direction accuracyWind gust HI alarm iconOutdoor humidity displayIndoor temperature rangeBarometric pressure rangeOutdoor temperature range3 x AA alkaline batteriesMaximum transmission powerWind speed average displayjumbo bright clear display3 x AAA alkaline batteriesOutdoor temperature displayPROFESSIONAL WEATHER STATION5-in-1 integrated sesnor arrayWind speed average HI alarm iconWeather tendency indicator Specification

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